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Returns the string without leading or trailing occurrences of the specified remove string. If remove string is omitted, spaces are removed.


TRIM([{BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING} [remstr] FROM ] str)


Please note that ALL the examples in this section will return the string 'databend'.

The following example removes the leading and trailing string 'xxx' from the string 'xxxdatabendxxx':

SELECT TRIM(BOTH 'xxx' FROM 'xxxdatabendxxx');

The following example removes the leading string 'xxx' from the string 'xxxdatabend':

SELECT TRIM(LEADING 'xxx' FROM 'xxxdatabend' );

The following example removes the trailing string 'xxx' from the string 'databendxxx':

SELECT TRIM(TRAILING 'xxx' FROM 'databendxxx' );

If no remove string is specified, the function removes all leading and trailing spaces. The following examples remove the leading and/or trailing spaces:

SELECT TRIM('   databend   ');
SELECT TRIM(' databend');
SELECT TRIM('databend ');
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